CO2 compensation
– Improvement of the CO2 footprint

CO2 – compensation
Nowadays, every company is judged not only by its turnover or profit, but more importantly than ever by its environmental footprint. This is not so easy for a logistics company when mobility is the main business.
ARTSECO has been able to directly improve its carbon footprint through a number of measures. We have invested in new vehicles with cleaner engines. We pack the art objects in collection crates for the art fairs and then ship them so that we need fewer individual crates. In our day-to-day business, we try to reuse packaging materials where possible, to provide used crates and to use less plastic.
In order to take a further step in the ecological direction, we support the NGO company
“ATMOSFAIR” in its work to prevent and reduce CO2 worldwide.
Through their projects, they help us to offset CO2.
They invest money, manpower and know-how in projects worldwide …
… to enlighten cultures and lead them independently into a clean world. Countries that simply lack everything they need to implement environmentally friendly alternatives, cultures that have been exploited by the industrial nations through our consumer behavior and live on the edge of subsistence.
In places where water from the tap, heat from the heating system or gas for cooking are not a matter of course, these NGOs work and set up projects to help the people there and not to make the same mistake as we do and plunder nature for profit, but to use it and build it up at the same time.
In order to finance these projects, the topic of “CO2 footprint compensation” has been launched. It is important to realize that transporting a box of art from Berlin to New York causes a certain amount of CO2 emissions. The business requires mobility, which cannot be avoided, but it can be offset.
emissions are generated even before the fuel for your air freight is made available
WTW = Well-To-Wheel, i.e. from the ‘oil well’ to the delivery of the goods.
TTW = Tank-To-Wheel, i.e. from the filling station to the delivery of the goods.
In principle, the emissions should be recorded as completely as possible, i.e. including the upstream, i.e. including the emissions that are generated to provide the fuel. For flight emissions from people (our core business), we use the WTW values, which also corresponds to the standard in the industry.
Recording of all greenhouse gases in the calculation of CO2 equivalents
This covers all emissions that have an impact on the climate. This means that not only the pure CO₂ quantity is included here, but also the other greenhouse gases produced during transportation (ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, etc.). In order to obtain a uniform basis for calculation, the climate impact of all individual gases is converted into CO₂ equivalents.
Provided we only consider air freight, we can determine the weight, distance and mode of transportation. From this, the CO2 emission can be represented in cubic meters, which is set in relation to the avoidance of new emissions (deforestation, water pollution, combustion).
ARTSECO has decided to increase the donations collected by the end of the year by a further 10%.
CO2 emissions are avoided in the projects and by supporting these projects you can offset your transportation CO2 emissions. It sounds a bit as if you can go on like this as long as you keep easing your conscience and paying money. But the fact is that you can improve your input and output. I think this makes transportation and its consequences more transparent for us and our customers.
Art logistics is waking up from its Snow White slumber and starting to question itself and its environment. This includes means of transportation, transport packaging, crate construction, storage, transport routes, global trade fair business, exhibitions and much more.
ARTSECO will soon start to show this to its customers per request, so that they can decide for themselves whether they want to voluntarily pay compensation for their art transportation.
ATMOSFAIR manages the payments and settles the accounts transparently for the customer.
This allows each gallery to see at the end of the year how much it has offset in total through its own efforts over the entire year and which projects it has supported.
The gallery will of course receive a donation receipt from ATMOSFAIR for each offset as soon as the payment has been made.
ARTSECO has decided to increase the donations collected by the end of the year by a further 10%.
Contact us, we are happy to help you.
Niederlassung Berlin
Bessemerstraße 2-14
12103 Berlin
Sofortkontakt Berlin
Tel. 030 213 00 41 – 0
Fax 030 213 00 41 – 19
Niederlassung Neuss
Forumstr. 10A
41468 Neuss
Sofortkontakt Neuss
Tel. 02131 178 62 – 0
Fax 02131 178 62 – 29
Naumburger Straße 4
12057 Berlin